30 Days of Deep Feminine Revival
We Begin on Tuesday, May 31st!
Nourish, Strengthen, Cleanse
30 days of pure superfood NUTRITION and potent techniques for EMOTIONAL nourishment, MENTAL clarity, and SPIRITUAL focus.
This time we'll be guided by Ayurvedic principles
designed to nourish you on all levels, easing depletion, anxiety, exhaustion, and overwhelm.
I now have an amazing team, all of whom are offering a limited number of free personalized weekly support sessions to those who are joining for the first time. Choose between ayurvedic consultation, gut health restoration, or trauma informed empowerment.
See below for more info on both
What is it?
For 30 days, you will be doing two things:
ONE - Nourish and Gently Cleanse and/or Strengthen Your Body
Revitalize your physical health with very pure, high quality organic superfoods, delivered via a gentle, delicious, nourishing and low impact protocol.
TWO - Focus and Revive Your Life Force
Restore your mental, emotional, and neurological wellbeing with a series of ten SIMPLE tools and meditations I learned the hard way, and re-focus your purpose, your passion, with the deep feminine skills of a self-authored life.
We are going to shift from a catabolic state of being (stress states that break you down) to an anabolic state of being (states of repair and healing that will build you back up and keep you strong).
Who is this for?
This is for you if you feel the call, or the need, to more deeply care for your physical health and the emotional/neurological states that can either build you up or break you down, run you dry or fill your cup. And this is for you if you want to do this in togetherness, with support, guidance, and like-hearted community.
Specifically, the Purium protocol is known to:
Reduce inflammation and pain
Reduce or eliminate cravings
Break sugar, alcohol, caffeine, or other habits
Dissolve extra weight (or build a stronger foundation)
Bolster immunity and inner resiliency
You will be working this like I work all things.....according to deep feminine principles.
You will cleanse through NOURISHMENT.
You will shift habits through REALIGNMENT.
You will treat your body as the TEMPLE it is.
Tell me more about the two Purium 30 day protocol options.
Purium is a company I've been connected to for six years now, and have established a deep trust for. These are all organic, vegan, whole food, super food products.
There are two protocols to choose from - both of them nourishing, but one more ideal for cleansing/weight loss, and the other for building strength.
Then the Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation is for you and it consists of:
Super Aminos (BUILDING: pre-digested vegan protein)
Power Shake (NOURISHING: greens and superfoods shake)
ApotheCherry (RESTORATION: anti-oxidant and tart cherry extract with naturally occurring melatonin)
Biome-Medic (DETOXIFICATION and ABSORPTION: gut repair and chemical removal)
Super CleansR (CLEANSING: keeping it all moving out)
**There are THREE schedule options to this protocol, which will be detailed for you in the kit when you receive it. Essentially, you can take it easy, or you can turn the volume up, depending on your needs and goals.
Then the Holistic Fitness Pack is for you and it consists of:
Super Aminos (BUILDING: pre-digested vegan protein)
MVP Sport (NOURISHING: highly assimilable protein and extras for muscle and joint recovery)
Can't Beet This (REVITALIZING: organic beetroot juice delivers oxygen and nutrients, supports increased, sustained energy levels)
Super Xanthin (PROTECTION and REPAIR: potent antioxidant, protects eyes and skin, combats free radical damage)
Super Lytes (HYDRATION: the ultimate rehydration and electrolyte supplement)
**This is a great choice for athletes, anyone wanting to start a new fitness/wellness routine, or those who want to gain strength and restore energy levels rather than shed weight.
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT ORDERING: There are two things that people often like to add to the basic thirty day protocols, one formulated for targeted anti-viral IMMUNE SUPPORT, the other formulated for deeper ADRENAL SUPPORT. I used to make many buttons for all the different options, but to simplify I have just set up all the carts with both options already added. That way if you want either or both, you don't have to search around, and if you don't you can just delete them before check out.
The immune support (ZinC-ADE) is a whole foods based supplement specifically formulated to fortify the body against viral exposure. Adding adrenal support (Bee Energetic) will help your adrenals reset from excessive stress and also support greater absorption of all the amazing nutrition you'll be putting in your body. The prices noted on the registration page are the prices of the basic 30 day protocols. The adrenal and immune support add about $20 and $35 respectively. These are not necessary to receive benefit from the 30 day protocol but depending on your goals and concerns, they can definitely add an important extra layer of support.
Tell me more about the Empress Arise companion program.
We will have a live call together at 12 pm PST on Tuesday, May 31st to begin and then at 12 pm PST on Tuesday, June 28th to complete. Then you will have access to the Empress Arise program throughout your 30 days. This consists of 10 video modules, (focused and simple, not more than 20 minutes), each of which will introduce you to one tool, technique, or meditation practice that will do one of three things:
Regulate Your Nervous System
Align You with Deep Feminine Manifestation Techniques
Bring You Into a Restorative, Healing State Regardless of Circumstance
Meet Your Support Team!
For those of you who are choosing to do this for the first time, my team is offering limited number of free weekly coaching support calls. This is such an upgrade to our seasonal transformation! They will also check in with you about your specific goals, concerns, and needs, to make sure you are choosing the best protocol for your body. Click on their pictures below to find out more about what they're offering and how to schedule and IMPORTANT - make sure to connect with them before you purchase the protocol so they can make sure you're set up with what's best for your needs and goals:
How do I register?
If you are new to this and wanting to work more personally with a coach, then you can register with your chosen coach above (make sure to connect with them before purchasing your protocol). If you are not wanting the personalized support, you can simply register directly below. The 30 day self-care program is FREE, my gift of support to all of you who decide to take on this challenge towards greater self-care and a realignment to nourishment as a lifestyle. To register:
1. Follow the link below to purchase your Purium protocol.
2. Email me at support@hermysteryschool.com with a screen shot of your receipt.
That's it! I will then send you the links to the self-care program to companion your 30 days. We will start with our group call on May 2nd and work through the 30 days together, although you can also work through it at your own pace.
***Please note: The Empress Arise program is free, but it does specifically companion the Purium protocol, so it isn't available on its own.
What if the full 30 days is too expensive for me? Or if I am not in the US or Canada?
I've set the links up so that you have the most discounts and the best value possible. The 30 day packs end up being less than $11/day, and will cover at least one, if not two or three meals, each day. This depends on the schedule you decide to follow. This is the most ideal in terms of both value and health transformation. (And remember - this is all refundable up to 60 days if somehow you aren't satisfied, so it's intentionally risk free).
That said, if you feel you need this but financially it's either impossible or stressful (definitely not the point!), please be in touch so we can strategize something that really fits for you.
Please also be in touch if you are not in the US or Canada (Purium doesn't distribute elsewhere) but you would like to join us in some form.